7 Ways And Tips On How Do You Know If You Really Won A Sweepstakes? Stay Alert From Scam

How do you know if you really won a sweepstakes? You will get a prize notification or a call from the organizer if you really won. But this is only from the organizers’ side. You also need to verify the sweepstakes. 

However, scammers have become increasingly clever in their tactics to deceive people into thinking they have won a sweepstakes. They use various methods, such as sending fake prize notifications, creating fraudulent websites and phone numbers, and even impersonating legitimate companies.

Therefore, staying alert for these scams and knowing how to spot them is necessary. In this blog, I will provide 7 ways to know if you actually won a sweepstakes and avoid falling for these scams.

how do you know if you really won a sweepstakes

What Are Sweepstakes?

Sweepstakes are promotional events in which prizes are awarded to the randomly selected winners. They are a type of giveaway. They are popular marketing strategies companies use to attract customers and promote their products or services.

Sweepstakes can range from small prizes like gift cards to large rewards such as vehicles or cash. In most cases, participants must enter a drawing by completing certain tasks, such as filling out a form or purchasing.

7 Ways on How Do You Know If You Really Won a Sweepstakes

How do you know if you really won a sweepstakes online? Here are seven ways sweepstakes organizers actually contact the winners.

#1. Official Email Notifications

An official email is one of the most common ways you’ll be notified if you’ve won a sweepstake. The email should come from a domain that matches the company’s name, not a general email provider like Gmail or Yahoo. For example, if you’ve participated in a sweepstake from Company X, the email should be from an @companyx.com email address. Be wary of emails filled with typos and grammatical errors, as they’re likely scam attempts.

#2. Certified Mail

Many legitimate sweepstakes will notify winners via certified mail. This ensures that the winner receives the notification directly. If you receive a certified letter stating you’ve won a sweepstake, it’s most likely legitimate. However, always verify the sender’s information before proceeding.

#3. Direct Phone Calls

Sometimes, sweepstakes organizers make a direct phone call to inform winners. Ensure that the caller can provide you with specific details about the sweepstakes, including the name, the prize, and how they received your contact. Scammers often trip up on these details.

#4. Social Media Messages

If you’ve won a social media-based sweepstakes, you might receive a direct message from the brand’s official account. Always check the account’s verification status and follower count to ensure it’s the official brand account.

#5. Public Announcements

Some sweepstakes announce their winners publicly on their website or social media platforms. To verify the legitimacy, cross-check with the official source.

#6. Personalized Letters

Sweepstakes organizers often use personalized letters to inform winners. They typically include detailed instructions on how to claim the prize and should originate from a reputable mailing address, not a P.O. Box number.

#7. In-person delivery

In some cases, the sweepstakes might deliver the prize in person, particularly for big-ticket items like cars or large cash prizes. This is done for promotional purposes and is typically filmed or photographed for marketing purposes. Always verify the identities of the individuals and the sweepstakes they represent before accepting any prizes.

7 Tips to Know If You Really Won a Sweepstakes

Here are seven tips to help you determine if you have actually won a sweepstakes:

#1. Check the Source

What to do when you win a giveaway? The first thing is first. Always verify the source of the winning notification. This includes checking the email sender’s address, phone number, or social media account. Scammers often use addresses that appear similar to legitimate ones, so be vigilant. 

For example, if the notification is from ABC Sweepstakes, check that the email sender’s address should be @abcsweepstakes.com. Legitimate sweepstakes will not use generic email addresses like Gmail or Yahoo.

#2. No Purchase Necessary

If the sweepstakes asks for a purchase to claim your prize, be suspicious. Legitimate sweepstakes should never require you to purchase anything to claim your prize. However, some may require an entry fee, but it should be clearly stated in the rules and regulations.

#3. Research the Sweepstakes

Do a quick internet search about the sweepstakes. If it’s legitimate, you should be able to find information about it online, including details about the prize and how to claim it. Moreover, check if the sweepstakes is affiliated with any known scams or complaints. If you can’t find any information, there is a high chance it’s a scam or fake sweepstakes.

#4. Never Give Out Personal Information

Be wary if you’re asked to provide sensitive personal information (like your social security number or bank account details) to claim your prize. Legitimate sweepstakes will not ask for this type of information. Further, never send money to claim a prize.

#5. Check for Spelling and Grammar Errors

Scam notifications often contain spelling and grammar errors. If the notification is filled with such errors, it’s most likely a scam. Also, be wary of poorly formatted emails or unusual logos and colors.

#6. No Advance Fees

Legitimate Sweepstakes will never ask you to pay fees or taxes in advance to receive your prize. If you’re asked to pay anything upfront, it’s likely a scam. Even in some cases, scammers may request you to send them money via wire transfer or gift cards.

#7. Trust Your Gut

Lastly, trust your instincts. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. If anything about the sweepstakes notification feels off, it’s better to ignore it than potentially fall for a scam.

For more details, check out the below video content on how do you know if you really won a sweepstakes.

How to Spot a Fake Giveaway?

With the rise of online sweepstakes and giveaways, it’s important to know how to spot a fake one. Here are some red flags to watch out for:

#1. Request for Personal Information

A huge red flag is when the giveaway asks for personal information beyond your name and contact details. If they’re asking for your social security number, bank details, or other sensitive information, it’s likely a scam. Legitimate sweepstakes only need basic information to contact the winner.

#2. High Pressure Tactics

Scammers often use high-pressure tactics to rush individuals into making hasty decisions. Be wary if the giveaway insists you act immediately or lose out on the prize. Legitimate sweepstakes will provide ample time for winners to respond.

#3. Asking for Payment

Never participate in a giveaway that requires you to buy something or pay a fee to get the prize. This is a clear sign it’s a scam. Remember, the whole point of a giveaway is to give something away for free.

#4. Too Good To Be True

If the prize seems too good to be true, it probably is. For instance, winning a brand-new car or huge money from a random, unknown giveaway is highly unlikely. Trust your instincts on this one.

#5. Poorly Written Communication

Watch out for giveaway notifications riddled with spelling errors, poor grammar, and awkward phrasing. Most legitimate businesses will ensure their communications are professionally written and polished.

#6. Free Generic Email Addresses

Legitimate businesses will typically use their company email, not generic like Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo. If the email doesn’t match the company’s name, it’s likely a scam. 

#7. No Proof of Past Winners

Genuine giveaways often share information or photos of past winners. It could be a scam if you can’t find any evidence of past winners.

FAQs on How Do You Know If You Really Won a Sweepstakes

How long do sweepstakes last?

Sweepstakes can last from a few days to several months, depending on the promotion. It depends on the types of sweepstakes. For example, daily or weekly sweepstakes may run for a shorter period, while larger promotions like grand prize giveaways can run for several months. It’s essential to check the rules and regulations for specific details.

What does a winning sweepstakes email look like?

A legitimate winning sweepstakes email will include the name and logo of the company or sponsor, details about the prize won, and instructions on how to claim it. It should also provide a contact number or email for any further inquiries. Here is a sample for you-

Subject: Congratulations! You're a Sweepstakes Winner!

Dear [Name],

Congratulations on being selected as the winner of our latest sweepstakes giveaway! We are pleased to announce that you have won [prize description]. Please find the details below on how to claim your prize.

Prize: [prize name]
Date: [date of notification]
Method: [email/phone call/in-person]

To claim your prize, please reply to this email or call us at [contact number] within 48 hours. We will then provide you with further instructions on how to collect your prize.

Thank you for participating in our sweepstakes, and congratulations once again!

[Company/Sponsor Name]

Do I have to pay taxes on sweepstakes winnings?

Yes, sweepstakes winnings are considered taxable income in some countries. In the United States, if you happen to win money or valuable prizes on a game show or sweepstakes, those winnings are subject to taxation. Specifically, if your winnings exceed the sum of $600, it’s highly likely that you’ll receive a 1099-MISC tax form from the organization that awarded you the cash prize. 

Notably, this entity will also forward a copy of this form to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Even in cases where you do not receive a 1099, it remains your responsibility to report the total value of your winnings. It’s best to consult with a tax professional for specific details on how to report and pay taxes on your winnings.  

Additionally, legitimate sweepstakes will usually provide information about any taxes or fees that may be associated with claiming the prize. If you’re unsure about the legitimacy of a sweepstakes notification, always check with a trusted source before taking any further action. So, be aware and stay safe while participating in the sweepstakes! 

What are the chances of winning a sweepstakes?

The chances of winning a sweepstakes vary depending on the number of entries and the specific rules of the promotion. For instance, a sweepstakes with one grand prize and 10,000 entries will have a much lower chance of winning than a sweepstakes with 10 prizes and 1,000 entries. 

Some sweepstakes have better odds than others, but ultimately, it is a game of chance, and there is no guarantee of winning. Read the rules carefully and understand your odds before entering any sweepstakes

How are online sweepstakes winners chosen?

Online sweepstakes winners are typically chosen through a random drawing or computer-generated selection process. This ensures fairness and eliminates bias in selecting the winner. 

The specific method for choosing winners should be outlined in the sweepstakes rules. If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of the selection process, it’s best to avoid participating in that particular sweepstakes. 


Hopefully, these tips will help you determine if you’ve won a sweepstakes. Remember, always verify the source of the notification and never give out personal information or pay any fees to claim a prize. Stay safe, and good luck! So, don’t be fooled by fake notifications, and follow these tips to ensure that you truly win a sweepstakes.

Julia Nancy
Julia Nancy

I have vast experience arranging online voting contests for hundreds of clients worldwide in the last 8 years. I also helped countless clients to win their online competitions. Here, on royalvotes.com, I am just sharing knowledge from my experiences. If you need any help regarding the online contest, email me at julia@royalvotes.com